Highlands Business Partnership
Board of Directors Meeting
January 17, 2000
Borough Hall
171 Bay Avenue 7:30 p.m.
Attendance: X= present
(17 voting members)
K. Armstrong x F. Bauman T. Berkhout x C. Braswell x |
R. Cosgrove x J. Davis x D. Douty x B. Duncan x |
W. Garcia x L. Hunter x K. James S. Mc Coy |
P. Mullen x R. Mumford x R. Rauen G. Ruth x J. Wicklund x |
Open for public portion at 7:37 p.m.
Acceptance of minutes November 22, 1999 Special Meeting HBP Board of Directors. After review of the minutes Lynn Hunter called for a motion to accept the minutes. D. Douty made a motion to accept the minutes with a second to the motion from Todd Berkhout. Peter Mullen abstained, as he was not appointed to the board at that time.
Treasurers report was presented to the Board. Jack Davis reported that effective 1/14/00 the checking account balance is $8,503.16. A money market account with Prudential Securities was opened in the amount of $10,000. Total balance of both checking and money market totals $18,503.16. A detailed report was filed with the minutes. Lynn Hunter called for a motion to accept the treasurers report. A motion was made by Joan Wicklund to accept the Treasurers report, with a second from Carla Braswell. All were in favor to accept the treasurers report as submitted; and it will be included in our corporate records.
Year 2000 budget was reviewed and endorsed as proposed. The total value of the budget depends on the certification by the Highlands Tax Assessor. Variations in the assessed value will affect the budget on an annual basis. The new Tax Assessor is in the process of reviewing all records and will advise the Borough Administrator when the BID Assessment Roster is certified and the BID Budget Year 2000 can be approved and adopted by resolution by the governing body.
Insurance proposals will be solicited from Highlands insurance professionals. The Borough Insurance Broker, Danskin Insurance Agency, affiliated with the Monmouth County Joint Insurance Fund JIF, has submitted a proposal for the following coverage:
General Liability
Non-owned Auto Liability
Public Official Liability
Blanket Bond$7,000,000 limit
$7,000,000 limit
$6,000,000 limit
$1,000,000 limit
Kathleen Armstrong will contact Don Ciola, Gateway National Insurance, regarding providing similar coverage quotes
Business Advocate Report The first HBP Newsletter was prepared
with the support of the executive committee and committee chairpersons. The
newsletter was mailed to all business operators and commercial property owners.
Made available at Borough Hall, Community Center and will be posted on the Highlands
web site www.highlandsnj.com. Committee Meeting dates will be set during the
month of February. A press release will be prepared and sent to the Two River
Times, Asbury Park Press and Middletown Courier to promote the start up of the
HBP Committees and send a call for volunteers. Highlands organizations
will receive letters of invitation to partner with HBP Committees that enhance
their organization goals and objectives. An official sunshine notice was advertised
for the calendar year 2000 meetings of Highlands Business Partnership. The notices
were not posted in the Borough Hall. The Borough Clerk will be contacted about
posting the notices at Borough Hall.
Non-voting Members of the HBP Board of Directors were solicited by letter and follow up phone contact. Thirteen partners were solicited for interest in serving on the Board. The following non-voting members were offered in a motion by Lynn Hunter:
Northern Monmouth Chamber of Commerce
GPU Energy
Rutgers University
Sandy Hook Foundation
Twin Lights Historic SitePatti Baxter
Roberta Sheridan
Jeff Flimlin
Larry Novick
Ray Cosgrove
Tom Laverty
A second to the motion to accept these partners on the Board was made by Doug
Douty and with all in favor the six partners will be confirmed to the HBP Board
of Directors. It was noted that Sandy Hook/Gateway National Park has a transition
with the leaving of Charles Bearlin. HBP will work with Sandy Hook Foundation
until such time as a representative is available. Cindy Zipf, Clean Ocean Action
and Tom Gagliano, Jersey Shore Partnership are unable to participate due to
heavy schedules but remain interested in receiving minutes and communication
on the Partnership. There was no response from Monmouth County Tourism, Department
of Agriculture and Bell Atlantic.
Peter Mullen joins the HBP Board as the member selected by the governing body
from the Planning Board, confirmed by resolution by the mayor and council. Peter
has worked with the Neighborhood Preservation Program on the Central Business
Design Manual, Highway Offering Sign and other improvement projects as a volunteer.
Contract with the Bayshore Development Office for professional management has been authorized.
Letter of proposal from the Highlands Historical Society was revisited.
Lynn Hunter presented the board with a recap of the proposal. To secure the
former building of Suzannes Antiques at the bridge and Portland Road for
volunteers to staff as a museum and visitors center for the Historical
Society. With the centennial anniversary occurring this year a site is an important
issue. Ray Cosgrove confirmed that the property has been rented, and that his
wife is the agent and handling the rental of the property. Roger Mumford, Co-Chair
Economic Development Committee suggested that we explore in more detail the
objectives of the Highlands Historical Society to partner with them on their
admirable quest to promote the historical heritage of Highlands. Kathy Shaw
added that an interim visitors center may be explored, modeling after the Ocean
Grove gazebo buildings that are staffed during the season to disseminate information
on the community. A one -time purchase cost, with a structure that is movable
for events, promotions, etc. might be a better launching point that an annual
lease expense. The concept needs to be explored with the Society. A letter inviting
their participation and presenting their members needs to be drafted.
Highlands Anniversary Book
Ray Cosgrove supported HBP taking a full-page ad to capture the year 2000 and
the HBP efforts to improve Highlands. The Board was unanimous to participate
in the anniversary book at a cost of $125. Treasurer Jack Davis will forward
a check to the committee.
Speed Radar Equipment
A proposal was prepared by the Executive Committee to explore acquisition of
speed radar equipment. The proposal will create a starting point for the BID
to develop activities to support the goal of promoting traffic calming activities.
Traffic and parking issues for the business community will be under the Visual
Improvement Committee, Chair Kathy Armstrong. The proposal calls for purchase
of traffic radar equipment that flashes your actual speed to drivers passing
the equipment.. Total cost of the equipment is $3,400 with a $30 shipping charge.
There are three partners participating with HBP to purchase the equipment: Seastreak
Ferry, NY Fast Ferry and Highlands Chamber of Commerce. Each partner would contribute
$857.50. Quotes were sought and are on file to secure the best price for the
equipment. The Speed Radar Project has been reviewed and approved by Police
Chief Davis, Sgt. Ed Chambers, and Mayor ONeil. The speed radar equipment
would be owned, maintained and insured by the Borough of Highlands. References
on the performance and success of equipment were sought from Atlantic Highlands
and Keyport and feedback on equipment performance and response from the community
was favorable.
A motion was made by Bill Duncan to approve concept and HBP share of acquisition of speed radar equipment. The motion was second by Carla Braswell. Roll call vote:
17 possible votes
Yes ( 9) Braswell, Hunter, Davis, Berkhout, Duncan, Garcia, Mumford, Ruth, Wicklund
No ( 4) Cosgrove, Armstrong, Douty, Mullen
Absent ( 4) Bauman, James, Mc Coy, Rauen
Downtown Revitalization Institute 2000
K. Shaw presented info on quarterly seminars offering training for downtown
success incorporating the National Main Street Approach . These seminars
provide the opportunities NJ downtowns need to develop and hone the skills and
techniques to revitalize core commercial districts. Co-sponsored by Local Initiatives
Support Corporation, Summit Bank and Citibank. Remaining for the year are: Guiding
Design on Main Street April 27 28, 2000; Creating economic Opportunity
on Main Street, July 27 28, 2000; Promotion Downtown, October 26
27, 2000. Cost $125 per person - per seminar. Limit 4 attendees per community.
Development of Business Guide ad hoc committee
A Business Guide will assist new and existing businesses cut through the maze
of personnel and procedures required to expand or create new business in Highlands.
The format for the guide will follow Freehold Centers and be tailored
to the needs of Highlands. The Economic Development Committee, Co-Chaired by
Bill Duncan and Roger Mumford will be responsible for the guide development.
An ad-hoc committee is needed to begin writing the text. Volunteers from the
Board are Peter Mullen, Planning Board Representative, Carla Braswell, Todd
Berkhout. Once drafts are created they will be coordinated between the Planning
Board Chairman, Donald Mandrot and the Highlands governing body through Councilman
Bob Rauen. HBP Business Advocate K. Shaw is working with commercial applicants
to assist their process through the board. Several members are attending Planning
and Zoning Meetings to gather information about the process.
The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
Minutes submitted by K. R. Shaw, HBP Business Advocate